The use of exclamation marks is forbidden by my publishing house, which sees them as crass and unnecessary. I agree, but the headline above seemed to be a worthwhile exception. (I'm currently unsure of their policy on shocked orangutan pictures).
I've had a bit of spare holiday to burn these past few days and, due to the bank sending me incorrect pin numbers for cards that were cruelly half-inched from me last Friday night, I have no immediate access to cash.
My proceeding houseboundness has led me to watch two jaw dropping documentaries- both of which can be found here Zeitgeist the Movie.
I highly recommend you watch them both. The sources used within are highly reputable and the logic, undeniable and paced in a way that's easy to follow. The issues discussed are relevant to us all, and are frankly shit-scary.
To summarise, the videos show lucidly show how religion is used as a tool, how ruthless shadow governments start wars to profiteer and how poverty is literally built into the banking and financial systems. The second doc even goes as far as to suggest that technology is at a point where money is no longer necessary at all to mankind!
(Apologies, another exclamation mark just slipped out- I clearly need to tighten the bicycle clips on my punctuation-filled trousers)
Regular Life Guff readers will already be aware of my distaste for utter bankers. Their administrative error which has left me penniless and incarcerated in my own home this week, coupled with the recent Supreme Court whitewash has done little to endear them to me any further.
The Zeitgeist documentaries were the icing on the cake, albeit a big rubbish fruit cake made with too much marzipan and human excrement in the place of raisins.
So. Should we, and can we, move towards a system that does away all together with money? Life Guff is pretty sceptical, but never afraid to tackle the weighty issues.
Stay tuned for an impending update with my thoughts. In the meantime, check this site out- The Venus Project
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