Monday 24 August 2009

Smug bank overdraft rant

I'm not a religious man, but I am partial to a pious rant as much as the next clergyman. A word doc on my desktop, addressed to my bank, recently reminded me what a self righteous git I am.

Woe betide anyone who crosses T Hall, for they shalt receive the most pompous strongly worded letter of their (quietly vindictive, pen pushing, serial masturbating, uncompassionate, computer-says-no) little lives.

Admittedly, I did enjoy re-reading my pull-pittin' rant as testament to power that comes when, as Kurt Cobain put it, "you know you're right".

The case in point was when I was fined £70 for going over my overdraft limit by less than a fiver, which then caused me to go over again the next month by less than the amount of the original fine.

This is a circle so vicious it would eat all the other shapes in the world and make everything spherical, essentially leading to a world full of Rick Wallers.

I won't put you all through the full version, but my reasoning for the banks utter immorality is pretty much this:

1. What do these transactions actually cost the bank? I would be more than willing to pay them the cost price, but for them to profiteer is retarded.
2. Granted, I should have been more careful, but banks, as we know, are not in a position to lecture us on foresight, and are the reason people are defaulting anyway. Gits.
3. The idea that punishing us will stop us doing it again is tantamount to making a spike come out of your steering wheel instead of an airbag.

Amen brothers. The collection plate is on its way around.

1 comment:

  1. Tom

    I'm your first follower!

    I think your blog would be better if you added your artistic flair!

    Something like the maddox stuff

    You're strange enough to do some good stuff with Paint (I have the slam man 'wedding' to prove it)
